
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Characters :

1.Kido Shinji / Kamen Rider Ryuki ( main protagonist )
2.Akiyama Ren / Kamen Rider Knight
3.Kanzaki Yui
4.Kitaoka Shuichi / Kamen Rider Zolda
5.Asakura Takeshi / Kamen Rider Ohja
6.Kanzaki Shiro

Others :
1.Okubo Daisuke / Chief Editor
2.Momoi Reiko / Reporter
3.Shimada Nanako / Programmer
All of them is Shinji Work Mate.

There are 13 Rider in Kamen Rider Ryuki, But on 10 Riders are featured in TV series.
Kamen Rider Femme, Ryuga and Verde appeared exclusively only in the Movie Episode:Final and TV Special 13 Riders.

The Riders are…

    1. Kamen Rider Ryuki
    2. Kamen Rider Knight
    3. Kamen Rider Scissor
    4. Kamen Rider Zolda
    5. Kamen Rider Raia
    6. Kamen Rider Gai
    7. Kamen Rider Ohja
    8. Kamen Rider Tiger
    9. Kamen Rider Imperer
    10. Kamen Rider Femme ( First Officially female Kamen Rider)
    11. Kamen Rider Ryuga
    12. Kamen Rider Verde
    13. Kamen Rider Odin.

The Contracted Monster :

In mirror world, there a monster who bond their life with the human and form the human to become a Rider. This contracted monster is feed by absorbing the life force of other monster that destroyed by Rider.

But they can also turn to the Rider is the belt or Vent Card Deck already be destroyed.
1.Dragreder ( Form of Chinese Dragon )
Ryuki’s contract monster, which will evolve to Dragranzer. A powerful dragon that almost killed shinji at the beginning.

2.Darkwing ( Form of Bat )
Knight’s contract monster, Which will evolve to Darkraider.

3.Volcancer ( Form of Crab )
Scissor’s contract monster, whose devour him after his Vent Buckle was destroyed by
Ryuki’s Dragon Rider Kick.

4.Magnugiga ( Form of Buffalo/Minotour )
Zolda’s contract monster, lately destroyed by Ohja.

5.Genocider ( Chimera form monster )
A chimera monster destroyed by Ryuga. Form by 3 monster :

a. Venosnaker, Ohja’s contract monster

b. Metalgelas, originally Gai’s contract monster. It become Ohja’s contract monster when it attempted to revenge its master death in vain.

c. Evildiver, originally Rai’s contract monster. Become Ohja’s contract monster after his master being killed by Ohja.

6. Destwilder ( Form of White Tiger )
Tiger’s contract monster.

7.Gigazelle ( Form of Gazelle )
Imperer’s contract monster.

8. Goldphoenix ( Form of legendary bird, Phoenix )
Odin’s contract monster.

9.Biogreeza ( Form of Chameleon )
Verde’s contract monster.

10.Blancwing ( Form of Swan )
Femme's contract monster.

11.Darkblacker ( Form of Dark black dragon )
Ryuga’s contract monster. Dark version of dragreder.

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